This is such a slow process.  Sorting and sizing images.  Trying to not go overboard with too many similar images.  I know I get bored looking at 20 pictures of the same thing.  ( I looked at a site the other day that had 50 pictrues of the same type of flower.)  I am slowly picking 3 or 4 of my favorites of the same place and time.   Write me,  if you feel my work is repetitious.   I just added these two images.
This is my newest from same trip as below.
Here are a few more recent images.  (By recent I mean less than 1 year.)  It almost never stopped rainning the few days I was in Yosemite.  So when It did, I was lucky to be in the right spot.  (Maybe Yosemite doesn't have a bad spot..)
Last night The Photocollective (A group of photographers, that includes myself.) Had a sort of annual pizza party meeting.  DON'T JUDGE THE TALENT OF THE GROUP BY THE PHOTOS YOU SEE HERE.   We had a good time and good pizza.
On my Birthday( May 20.) I went out to photograph with a friend.  The light was harsh and the day showed no promise of any good images.  BUT  Because my "Nature up Close" series involves me finding objects while out walking and working with them at home, I put the day to good use.   Here are some of the items I pick up.  I could use some help with the names of these leaves and grasses.  CAN ANYONE NAME THE TWO TYPES OF GRASS OR THE LEAVES???
I had a wonderful birthday!!  It also gave me something to work on this past week.  Everything has a beauty when we exam it closeup.
Took some pic's at the Ventana Annex Gallery this week.  As you can see it has many rooms and two floors.  My pic's are upstairs in a few of the rooms.  I plan on having my work at the Ventana through the end of the year.  At that time I will see how this year has gone and make a decision about staying.  I hope for a long and profitable run.
I joined the ranks yesterday and started a facebook page.  I admit I don't really know how to use it or what I am doing, but it is time I learned.   I have found people I seldom to never see anymore so it is nice to see some of hte things they are doing.  I am still seeking comments on my web site.   I find the suggestions helpful even if you don't see your suggestion fixed right away.
Today I added four more images to my site and added a new page.  I found I have a few images that didn't fit anywhere. 
I am planning to do an image of the week.  This will force me to take at least one photograph each week.  They may not all be award winners (you never know.)  I just want to have fun with it.  I will start a new page and put them on my blog too. 
I am still going through files for some of my favorite images.  I have lots  to do.  I want to keep  you comming back looking  for new and improved images and features.
I am spending a little time today looking at and adding images.  Some are old and some are new.  I hope everyone likes them all .  I plan to do a little photographing this coming week-end, so keep checking back.  I also will be looking for new things to add to my "Nature Up Close" scans.  It is either that or yard work. UGH.
In the past two days I have made changes & added new images.  I am having so much fun working on this site.  I still have a lot more images to post, but first have a large pile of CD's to sort through.  Remember I have been photographing for 20 years.  Don't worry very few of the first 5 years will ever be posted.  Looking back on my first efforts it's a wonder I had the courage to continue.